The aiming at enemies is not easy as in games that many people are familiar, such as "Blazing Angels": here you must try to pilot and to target at the same time: the difficulty in doing this varies with the gameplay style you choose in the Menus, and thus allows you to play on your most suited style, either uncommitted or professional oriented. Your career in the game is monitored, adding experience points, which by their turn, unlocks new planes, and raise your rank. The combats sequences has a Zoom view, and ranged weapons in accordance with the model of aircraft that you choose, from among more than 100 models, all realistic and faithful, and from all the major countries of conflict, ranging from fighters, bombers and the first jet / rocket fighters. The combat missions are very varied, with numerous options: recon, fighter air combats, bomber missions, the attack or / and defense of ground structures, landings, etc., all you can expect from a air combat game in the WWII, that mixes action and strategy.

The gameplay style, I can compare it to another simulator game, with a style mixed with small touches of Arcade: the "Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik 1946" for PC (I know the franchise has a Xbox 360 version, but the PC version is more alike to this game): the game has some difficulty settings, which have different commands and feelings for the controls and commands of the aircraft in the gameplay, being three difficulties: Simplistic, Realistic and Simulator. are realistic, and the game has a main narrator, that depending on the situation (like in the Tutorials) communicates by radio with you - on the eventually radio chat, while you are flying you hear other pilots chatting, but their lines are somewhat repetitive.

The game features a soundtrack of classical orchestral music, including the theme song for the movie "The King's Speech": the sounds of gunfire, engines, explosions, etc. Among the missions and the briefings, we have narrative events, and period films (a lot of material in fact, well situated and historically narrated). The explosions and the effects of smoke are well done, although these are not as surprising as the other I mentioned (but the effects of the weapons are rather detailed, instead) and in the game we have also options to customize the paint and symbols in you aircraft (in this game, despite its realism, the swastika is censored, and uses the Imperial Germany flag). Other graphics highlights are for the effects of sun illumination on the planes and the shadows, beside the design of airplanes, very realistic (of course do not expect the individual rivets witch we can see on the top simulators in PC), with a nice view from inside the **** where you can look around (the game still has other points of view: third person, a virtual HUD and the aircraft gunner, when available, of course). The highlight in relation to rival games on the Xbox 360 is in the richness of details in the ground, especially in the cities - but the buildings and structures destruction is not very realistic, with very large particles effects. The game has extremely detailed graphics for a console version: the effects of weather, ocean and detailing of the scenarios (such as houses, ocean waves, trees, decks of aircraft carriers etc.) are extremely well made and tend to realism, although have a certain pop-up. You have several options for singleplayer, with campaigns in different theaters and factions. The game has extremely detailed graphics for a console version: the effects of weather, ocean and "Birds of Steel" is a air combat game, focused in the World War II, and that have a gameplay with its roots oriented to simulation style, and which extends the main theaters of the war period. "Birds of Steel" is a air combat game, focused in the World War II, and that have a gameplay with its roots oriented to simulation style, and which extends the main theaters of the war period.